Welcome To Intelligent Chiropractic!

Sandy Springs GA Great Chiropractor Roswell GA

Sandy Springs GA Great Chiropractor Roswell GA

Make sure to visit https://intelligentchiropractic.com to learn more healthcare solutions with Chiropractic! The expert teams of Intelligent Chiropractic led by Dr. Sal Minicozzi are conveniently located in the two convenient locations of Sandy Springs and Roswell, GA.

To learn how our offices serve our communities with a difference please call today and let our teams show you how Intelligent Chiropractic is a name you can trust. Just listen to this amazing patient tell you how she has had tremendous success and is able to walk after no other doctors were able to help.
Call today and let’s work together to recapture the quality of life you desire back!

Intelligent Chiropractic
5871 Glenridge Dr NE #115
Sandy Springs, GA 30328
(404) 531-9525

For Your Health,

Dr. Salvatore Minicozzi

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Intelligent Chiropractic